Welcome to our website!

We're thrilled to have you explore the wealth of information and resources we've gathered here. 
Whether you're looking for the latest news, or insightful articles, we've designed this space to be user-friendly and engaging. 

Our team is dedicated to providing you with an enjoyable experience, and we're constantly updating our content to ensure it's fresh and relevant.

So dive in, take a look around, and discover all that we have to offer! 

Our activities can be acessed using menue "News" or "Events" (>Veranstaltungskalendar).

If you'r interested about membership, pls. review the expected payments and clubrules.

In case of your positive interest, continue with the page 'apply for membership'.

All sub-sites can be opened using left or right tiles here, on mobile devices, the tiles are displayed one after the other.